Human Rights
We support movements for just and ecologically sound development that promotes human rights, vibrant local economies, and dignified livelihoods for all.
Across The 11th Hour Project, we believe that the climate crisis is deeply rooted in a global extractivist economy, structural inequality and systemic racism. Its destructive impacts on people and nature are among the most urgent human rights issues of our time. By centering a rights-based approach in all of our grant-making, our program’s grantees expose this system’s harms to human beings. They also support communities’ struggles for sovereignty over their resources and food systems, and demand for access to clean and affordable electricity, as critical human rights issues. While these issues are global, our program’s geographic focus is in Africa and Haiti.
We invest in movements that protect human rights from destructive mining, energy, and agriculture projects or policies which extract wealth, harm communities, and devastate the environment. We believe that communities have a right to determine the goals and means of achieving their own economic, social and cultural well-being. We support models that catalyze local economic development that truly benefits people while restoring their land’s health and life-sustaining resources.