Kelvin Systems

Kelvin Systems has emerged as an important player in building decarbonization, offering innovative solutions to reduce reliance on fossil fuels for heating in older buildings. Its unique approach integrates radiator enclosures, window heat pumps, and boiler sensors to significantly reduce fossil fuel usage for heating by about 80% on winter days from the first day of deployment.

Kelvin Systems’ technology not only enhances energy efficiency but also offers substantial socioeconomic benefits as well. First, it’s easy to install and doesn’t require any special certifications to do so, expanding opportunities for workforce development. The technology is also designed to tackle the heating challenges of legacy buildings, which constitute a significant portion of the building stock in cities like New York, making decarbonization accessible and affordable for many low-to-moderate-income buildings. It’s safer, too, as it reduces the need for hazardous space heaters.

Kelvin Systems is working to create a more sustainable, efficient, and equitable urban environment, goals that closely align with the Schmidt Family Foundation’s vision of a future where all buildings, regardless of age or economic constraints, can contribute to a greener, healthier world.